Saturday, November 1, 2008

Playoffs - Week 1 - Salt Lake Tribune

Muli, had a great game, both defensively, and on special teams. He re-injured his ankle, on a tackle, but, played through the pain, and played with heart!
I'm not one to complain about officiating, I know they're not pros, and they do the best they can, but the officiating, in this game was horrendous. 14 to 17 penalties, against Highland, versus, only 2, against Bountiful. There were so many obvious Bountiful fouls, but the refs, didn't call them? Had the Rams lost this game, it would have added insult to injury, but, luckily, the refs, weren't able to steal this game!
Now, I realize, that I may sound like a disgruntled fan. Did we deserve some of those penalties, sure! But, it was called so one sided, that it was laughable!
That is all I will say.
Pine View High School, in St. George, will be Highland's next victim!

Highland 12, Bountiful 10

Friday, October 31, 2008
Team W/L Record Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Highland 8-3, 5-2 0 3 6 3 12
Bountiful 8-3, 5-1 0 10 0 0 10

Scoring Summary:
B — Clark 3 pass from Miner (Lake kick)
B — Lake 34 FG
H — Hicken 42 FG
H — Fakahafua 37 pass from Orchard (fail kick)
H — Hicken 32 FG

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